Connector Articles, Family Planning

CCIH Small Grant Helps AMOS Promote Family Planning in Nicaragua

November 17, 2023

by Irene Choi, Pepperdine University Undergraduate and CCIH Communications and Advocacy Intern AMOS Salud y Esperanza (Health & Hope) received a CCIH small grant to promote family planning methods in six communities of Matagalpa, Nicaragua. The communities involved in the project include Tapasle, El Socorro, Fila Grande, Apantillo,...

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Member Spotlight

Radio Station Becomes Trusted Friend in Times of Conflict

August 14, 2023

by Albert Baliesima Kadukima, Executive Director, ESADER, a CCIH organizational member that joined in August 2023. ESADER: Ensemble pour la SAnté et le DEveloppement holistique en milieu Rural et périurbain “This radio station has helped us through some very dark times; it truly is our friend,” said Jean-Baptiste,...

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Advocacy, Infectious Diseases

Harnessing the ‘Power of What is Possible’ to End Neglected Tropical Diseases

June 16, 2023

by Bill Simmons, President and CEO, American Leprosy Missions  This year the U.S. marks 20 years of PEPFAR: the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. American Leprosy Missions (ALM) believes this program lights a path forward for combatting another global health threat: neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Initiated...

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Maternal and Child Health, Vaccines, WASH

Faith-based organizations are the leading edge of the local partnerships of the future

June 2, 2023

by Dr. Koki Agarwal, Project Director, USAID MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership; Vice President, DC Operations, Jhpiego For the past 20 years, I have led global USAID projects on maternal, newborn, and child health—this work has given me a front row seat to witness incredible progress for mothers...

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