Upcoming Events

CCIH holds regular quarterly forums for members to enable discussion and shared learning, as well as public webinars and in-person events.


Let’s THRIVE! Equipping faith actors to ensure good maternal mental health

September 10 at 8:00 to 9:15 am EDT (Washington, DC)

Save the Date for this engaging and informative webinar. Registration coming soon.


2024 Virtual Learning Institute on Business Development

Transform Your Impact Into Funding

October 8-10 from 8:00 – 10:30 am ET (Washington, DC) / 12:00 – 2:30 pm UTC

Health ministries and Christian organizations can improve and scale up their fundraising and development results by adopting a few tried and true best practices. CCIH’s Virtual Learning Institute will unlock these practices and help you strengthen vital skills to scale up your impact. This year, we’re focusing on developing relationships and support from private foundations.

Over the three days of training, you’ll learn to: State Your Value, Write Your Proposal, and Find Your Next Supporter!

Learn more and Register

Forum Francophone: La santé mentale et organisations confessionnelles

Mercredi, 23 Octobre, 12:00 midi h de l’Afrique de l’Ouest / 11:00 h GMT / 7:00 am Washington, DC

Cette réunion se déroulera en français. Nous parlerons de l’ampleur de la crise de santé mentale, des programmes pour améliorer la santé mentale dans les communautés, et nous explorerons les défis émergents.

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