Strengthening Very Young Adolescents in Gender Equality in Bangladesh

RESOURCE / Journal Article

Strengthening Very Young Adolescents in Gender Equality in Bangladesh


This peer-reviewed field report published in May 2023 in the Christian Journal for Global Health features the story of a young girl in Bangladesh who gained the confidence to refuse early marriage thanks to a program operated by faith-based organizations with funding from USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership project. The program – the Very Young Adolescent (VYA) program for 10–14-year-olds – is run by faith-based organizations World Renew and its local partner Faith in Action (FIA); with support from the MOMENTUM Faith Engagement Team led by CCIH. The article describes the program, how it developed, and its impact in the community. It was authored by Kohima Daring, World Renew Bangladesh; Nancy TenBroek, World Renew Bangladesh; Shagota Chisim, World Renew Bangladesh; Carolyn O’Brien, USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership and CCIH; Mona Bormet, USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership and CCIH; Meroji Sebany, USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership; Kaitlyn Slate, World Renew US. View PDF of Article | View on CJGH website

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