Public Health, Systems Change, Justice and the Work of the Kingdom
This article in the Christian Journal for Global Health discusses Biblical themes for confronting inequities that contribute to disparities in population health statuses.
Health Systems Governance – WHO
This World Health Organization page contains resources related to effective health system governance that will help achieve universal health coverage.
Minimum Standards for Mainstreaming Gender Equality
The Gender Practitioners Collaborative provides resources for all organizations working in international development and humanitarian response for gender equality mainstreaming, including a set of minimum standards and tools for implementation. Multiple organizations working in this field contributed to the standards, including some CCIH members, and 45 organizations have endorsed the…
Ecumenical Water Network
An initiative of the World Council of Churches, the EWN "promotes the preservation, responsible management and equitable distribution of water for all, based on the understanding that water is a gift from God, a common good and a fundamental human right."