How Can Governments Work with Faith-based Organizations to Strengthen the Health Workforce?

November 14, 2022

How Can Governments Work with Faith-based Organizations to Strengthen the Health Workforce? (Issue Brief) | CapacityPlus | This brief presents an overview of FBOs and human resources for health along with suggested actions, key considerations, and resources. Also Available in French

by hopsie

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Faith-based Organizations: Using HR Management to Support Health Workers

November 14, 2022

Faith-based Organizations: Using HR Management to Support Health Workers | Sarah Dwyer | CapacityPlus/IntraHealth International | This publication is from the CapacityPlus Voices series and explores how faith-based organizations are working to strengthen human resources for health and features the work of Christian Health Associations in Africa.

by hopsie

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What is Family Planning?

November 14, 2022

Adapted from the WHO’s DecisionMaking Tool for Family PlanningClients and Providers, this counselling guide has been modified for the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) based on the local program context under the A3 Project.

by hopsie

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CHW Central

November 10, 2022

CHW Central offers many resources for Community Health Worker training including Capacity Building.

by hopsie

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