Quality of Care: Improving Services for the Whole Person in Times of Change

January 20, 2023

Speakers in the fifth session of the CCIH 2022 Conference on June 21 focused on quality, including quality of health care and quality in the supply chain and logistics.

by hopsie

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Strengthening Health Systems

January 20, 2023

In this webinar by ICMDA, Doug Fountain, CCIH Executive Director, outlines perspectives on health systems strengthening from donors, partners, authorities, and implementers in the church and communities and builds a big picture context for building resilent quality health services in LMICs.

by hopsie

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Developing and measuring healthcare capacity and quality in Burundi: LifeNet International’s horizontal conversion franchise model

January 20, 2023

This article in the Christian Journal for Global Health describes a horizontal approach to developing and measuring healthcare capacity and quality in primarily faith-based health centers.

by hopsie

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Systems Thinking for Mission Hospitals

January 20, 2023

This webinar from ICMDA outlines how mission hospitals can adapt systems thinking for quality improvement.

by hopsie

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