
January 1, 2016

Pré-conférence sur la planification familiale Réponses aux tests avant et après le test en français

by hopsie

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Singing to the Lions Toolkit (Available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic)

January 1, 2016

Singing to the Lions Toolkit | Catholic Relief Services (CRS) released this toolkit to help people recover from traumatic events. It is available in English, Spanish, French and Arabic. It was developed in Zimbabwe by a child psychologist.

by hopsie

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Kiswahili: Kuwezesha Mbinu Za Uzuiaji Mimba Katika Suhula Za Afya: Maswali 10 Kwa Vikunki Vya Jamii Kuzingatia

November 14, 2012

The purpose of this guide is to help you plan and implement the process of ensuring a consistent supply of family planning supplies at your service delivery sites, and get contraceptive supplies to your field sites and your health workers. This process requires careful planning, coordination, and overall...

by hopsie

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Francais: L’Approvisionnement Des Etablissements De Sante En Contraceptifs: 10 Questions a Considerer Par Les Groupe Communautaires

November 14, 2012

L’objectif de ce guide est de vous aider à planifier et à mettre en œuvre le processus visant à garantir un approvisionnement constant en fournitures de planification familiale sur vos sites de prestation de services, et à acheminer les fournitures contraceptives vers vos sites de terrain et vos...

by hopsie

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