Access to Essential Medicines in LMICs

January 20, 2023

This video from the 2021 World Health Summit discusses availability, affordability, sustainability, transparency, and impact for access to essential medicines in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).

by hopsie

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Opening Healthcare Clinics in the Developing World

January 20, 2023

This article outlines steps for providing sustainable accessible primary care in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) based on a review of challenges and research-based recommendations.

by hopsie

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Theological foundations for an effective Christian response to the global disease burden in resource-constrained regions

January 20, 2023

This article in the Christian Journal for Global Health describes the theological basis of seven key elements that the Church can contribute to sustainable development, global health equity, and universal access as an expanding movement: defining health, speaking truth, providing care, making peace, cooperating, setting priorities, and mobilizing resources for…

by hopsie

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A systematic review of strategies to increase access to health services among children in low and middle income countries

January 20, 2023

This journal article provides evidence for interventions that can help increase access to healthcare for children under 5 in LMICs.

by hopsie

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