| Reverend Judith Johnson-Grant is an ordained and accredited minister of the Jamaica Baptist Union with twelve years of experience as a congregational pastor. She is a postgraduate researcher in the field of Faith and Health through the University of the West Indies and has worked at the nexus between the two both locally and regionally. She is a member of the National Advisory body for Alzheimer’s and Dementia, STRiDE Jamaica and the Global Health Platform, World Council of Churches. |
 | Mona Bormet, MPH, CHES serves as Program Director for CCIH. Mona directs a global portfolio of initiatives that improve timely access to quality health services in communities and facilities, by working with faith-based partners and CCIH members around the world. Previously, Mona served as Advocacy Program Specialist for the Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum where she focused on national policy efforts to improve data collection and analysis for Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations, efforts to collect and share individual’s health care stories in the policy arena, and facilitated advocacy trainings. |
 | Pastor Rick Warren is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California with campuses in major cities around the world. He is the author of The Purpose Driven Life, which has been translated into 74 languages and sold more than 50 million copies in all formats. You can listen to his daily radio broadcast at PastorRick.com. |
 | Doug Fountain serves as CCIH Executive Director. Previously, he was Vice President for Strategy and Impact for Medical Teams International (MTI). Before coming to MTI, he worked for Uganda Christian University, where he began in 2004 as the head of the Department of Health Sciences and later served as Deputy Vice Chancellor for Development and External Relations. He helped establish the Christian Journal for Global Health, and has been a member of CCIH since 2006, serving on the Board for four years. He holds an MPA from the University of North Carolina and a B.S. in Political Science and Economics from the University of Oregon. |
 | Jerilyn Hoover, MPH, RN is a Health Workforce Development Advisor in the Office of HIV/AIDS at USAID. She is a Registered Nurse with experience in domestic and international care management, HIV prevention and treatment, primary health care, and program implementation and evaluation. Jerilyn holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and an MPH from Johns Hopkins University. |
 | Karen Sichali-Sichinga is the Executive Director of the Churches Health Association of Zambia-CHAZ and sits on several Boards. She is a graduate of the University of Alberta, Canada and the University of Leeds, England. She holds a Masters degree in Public Health International. She has spent the last 30 years working in the field of Public Health. Under her leadership, CHAZ has gained government and donor confidence plus the reputation as a leading and accountable Health NGO. She has exemplary leadership style, mentoring and building teams while ensuring excellency and efficient use of resources and accountability. |
 | Samuel Mwenda, MD has served for the last 21 years as the General Secretary and CEO of the Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) a membership organization of the Protestant Churches Health Facilities and programs with a membership of 600 health facilities He chairs the Kenya Faith-based Health Services Consortium (KFBHSC) which has steered the development of a tripartite Partnership Framework (MoU) between FBOs and Ministry of Health of the National Government and County Governments. Prior to joining CHAK, he served for 6 years as the CEO of a 250-bed capacity Mission Hospital (Maua Methodist Hospital) in Meru County. |
 | Deborah Dortzbach, MN, MPH is a nurse who lived and served in Eritrea and Kenya and learned from trailblazer community health practitioners in Kenya and Congo, such as Drs. Roy Schaffer and Dan Fountain and Rwandan nurse Melene Kabadege. Her work with MAP International and World Relief allowed her to showcase to the world the work of the church and HIV/AIDS. The book, Kidnapped (1975), chronicles her experience as a hostage in Eritrea. She has been a missionary with Mission to the World since 1980. |
 | Luke Martin is an SGBV Programme Officer at Tearfund (UK). He supports various Tearfund teams to implement masculinities and gender programmes. He is based in the south of England. Previously, he served as a Placement Coordinator with Tearfund and worked in Transition Support with YOU Trust Domestic Violence Services. He has a degree in social work. |
 | Andrew Saman is the Project Manager for the Masculinities Faith and Peace project with Teafund (Nigeria). He lives in Jos, Nigeria. He has experience working in family planning, masculinities, social cohesion and intimate partner violence reduction programming. Before coming to work at Tearfund, he was a Support Manager for the Nigeria INGO Forum with Mercy Corps. |
 | Sara Melillo, MPH is an independent global health technical consultant supporting program design, assessments, technical writing, and proposal development in maternal and child health, family planning, nutrition, and HIV. She brings 15 years’ experience as a global health technical and program development professional, including three years based in Kenya. Sara maintains a strong interest faith leader engagement, and has worked at or consulted for a number of faith-based organizations, including CMMB, IMA World Health, CCIH, the African Christian Health Associations Platform (ACHAP), Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK), and MEDS. |
 | Marie Harouna is the Regional Gender Justice Coordinator for World Renew in West Africa. Originally from Niger, she is based in Mali where she coordinates the Women's Health and Sexual Harassment Prevention Program. With her team of 15 church leaders and Christian health care workers she is involved in training and supporting women, couples, young people and children in the Malian church. |
 | Joe DiCarlois a Global Ambassador at Medical Teams International, where he builds faith partnerships, both domestically and internationally. He has served at MTI for 24 years. His first assignment was mobilizing a team of medical professionals to help suffering families recover after Hurricane Mitch barreled through Central America in 1998. Since then, he has led dozens of disaster responses and is driven to help MTI build programs that serve the whole person. |
 | Jason Paltzer, PhD, MPH is the Senior Director of Research and Innovation for Kingdom Workers. He is experienced in health promotion, substance abuse prevention, disease prevention, community development and implementation, teaching and assisting community-based global health organizations with participatory assessment and evaluation methods. He is a visiting professor at Wisconsin Lutheran College. Previously, he served as an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at Baylor University. He is a co-chair of the CCIH Integration of Faith and Health Working Group. |