The Promises of Isaiah 35
This article was written by CCIH Advocacy and Communications Intern Jamie Wagner before she returned to her academic career. In October of 2016 the United States came alongside Iraq in an offensive front against ISIS. Despite security concerns, Samaritan’s Purse felt that it was not only an opportunity but a…
The Fight against AMR
CCIH is fortunate to have Jamie Wagner, a student at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California with us for a two-month internship until mid-April. During her time with CCIH, Jamie developed a social media campaign to share a video on Christian work in advocacy, created an interactive online map...
Augustine Fellowship, Connector Articles
First Augustine Fellow Begins Post at ELWA Hospital
We are excited to announce that Steven Mukawa, Information Technology Officer at St. Luke’s College of Nursing in Zomba, Malawi has landed in Liberia to start his post at the ELWA Hospital in Paynesville, Liberia. Steven is the first recipient in the Augustine Fellowship program, a partnership of...
The End of Epidemics by Jonathan Quick
The 2014 West Africa Ebola outbreak was dramatically different from previous occurrences of the disease. Once a virus that burned out quickly in rural areas, Ebola spread in large cities for the first time, killing more than 11,000 people. Population movement and other factors such as modern farming...